Crushed Stone
Crushed stone is usedl as a base material for asphalt, gravel, and concrete walkways. Crushed stone is also perfect for roads, and driveways.
Crushed Concrete
Crushed concrete is used in numerous projects, such as walkways, pathways, roadways, gravel driveways, raised garden beds, drainage projects, and erosion control retaining walls.
Crushed Granite
Common uses for crushed granite include walkways, driveways, patios or even as a mulch. It can also be mixed into your landscaping mixture to help with soil aeration.
River Rock
River rocks can help soil absorb water as well by preventing runoff. It can also ensure that soil on a sloped area remains packed in. River rocks look beautiful placed around flowers and plants in your garden while they prevent topsoil erosion.
Pea Gravel
Pea gravel is used for playgrounds, plumbing pipe beds, patios, pathways, dog runs, drainage, and many other high-traffic locations because of its smooth quality.
Asphalt is used for both residential and commercial properties, asphalt (also called blacktop) is a popular material for paving driveways, sidewalks, sports courts, paths etc.
Fill Sand
Fill sand is good for filling in and raising elevations. Fill sand is primarily used as a base material for concrete because it compacts so well. It is also commonly used to fill large holes.
Fill Dirt
Fill Dirt can be used for raising planting beds, leveling off land, building up the ground around foundations to fix water drainage problems, and securing ground around retaining walls.
Red & Black Mulch
Mulch is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress or block weeds, keep the soil and plant roots cool, prevent frost heaving in winter, and make the garden bed and landscape look more attractive.
Organic Compost
Compost can be used as a soil amendment, seed starter, mulch, container mix ingredient, natural fertilizer and to eliminate weed seeds and plant pathogens in organic residues.